Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My heart.....

I had another echocardiogram yesterday. This is basically an ultrasound of the heart that measures flow and in my case has been monitoring the fluid in the perdicarial sac around the heart - I've had ultrasounds when pregnant with Riley, and thats exciting, but to see one of your organs functioning with full squishy sounds wigs me out. The technician didn't think that there was too much difference from last week (re: fluid), but I did get the dreaded call this morning that I have to go back again on Friday for another - I suppose it is a good thing that they are keeping on top of this - as I don't want to get into the same situation I was in a week ago. It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day ~ hope everyone enjoys :)


  1. Kelly,

    Again, thank you for giving us such insight into what you are going through. I know you are dearly missed at TRACKS and it is nice for me to get an update on you without having to call Julie all the time.

    So sorry to hear about Maddie, that is a heart break I am sure you could have done without at this time.

    Keep well and we are all thinking of you and the family.

    Love Cheekie

  2. Each time I was pregnant I had a fetal echo cardiogram. You could see everything even though their hearts were about the size of your thumbnail. Hope you enjoyed this beautiful day.

  3. My daughter gets an echo every 6 months now...and they often have to redo or take different angles.It's amazing what difficulties our hearts can live through. She's got valve issues, structural issues (ventrical), multiple holes and a beating problem ... and yet she carries on. Attempt strength but only when you can.
