Thursday, August 12, 2010


Well, this has been quite a week - I have had it pretty easy in looking back on the past few months, so this was a bit of an eye opener - Just finished my 4th cycle of chemo and it was truly the most unpleasant yet.... but its over... so hopefully everyday will get a bit better. I had a CAT scan yesterday to see if all this nasty chemo is working - so results are pending - I won't get the official results for a few weeks, but may get a verbal report sooner.
A big thanks to my chemo buddies this week and Riley supporters - Cheryl, Marilyn, Marci and Mom!
Reno pictures to post this w/e -
Cheers! K:)


  1. Love to you Kelly..... You've been in my thoughts all week. xx

  2. Hope the reno is going well & that you get great news soon! xo kell - be well, K
