Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Renovation moving along....

We have had some great progress this week... walls and window openings!! It sure helps me visualize the end product a little better.... but its time for Riley and I to go seek some solace in Georgian Bay and give these hardworking young men room for a messier workplace - Looking forward to our return on the w/e and perhaps a roof?

This is the 3 kitchen windows with a sliding glass door - We have gone from 4 sq ft window to 72 sq ft of glass

Start of 2nd Floor Teen Angst/Family room

Saturday, August 14, 2010

good news...

The "Mid" CAT scan report came in - and it is a positive one - It appears that my largest mass in the middle of my chest has essentially disappeared and the smaller one on my neck has decreased by over half - and all the fluid issues I have had in my heart and lungs have gone - I asked my primary care nurse if I could stop treatment now, but apparently not - I still have a journey to complete, but at least there is a brighter light at the end of the road - So all this nasty, toxic medicine I am putting into my body is at least doing what it is supposed to be doing! So needless to say, I had a great day yesterday, enjoying the sunshine, swimming, lunching & went to a very fun summer party @ the McNicols - But now I have to get my very expensive needle that is supposed to increase my white blood count, but makes me feel like shit for a couple of days - But I guess its all working :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Well, this has been quite a week - I have had it pretty easy in looking back on the past few months, so this was a bit of an eye opener - Just finished my 4th cycle of chemo and it was truly the most unpleasant yet.... but its over... so hopefully everyday will get a bit better. I had a CAT scan yesterday to see if all this nasty chemo is working - so results are pending - I won't get the official results for a few weeks, but may get a verbal report sooner.
A big thanks to my chemo buddies this week and Riley supporters - Cheryl, Marilyn, Marci and Mom!
Reno pictures to post this w/e -
Cheers! K:)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Summer 2010

There is very little to report these days, which is really not a bad thing and I have been quite lame in updating this blog - It is mid-summer, Riley has returned from camp (of course, the best year ever) She received her "5 year paddle" which I gather is quite an honor. Her group did a 4 day white water trip down the Mattawa river and I think that was a highlight. Riley and I have been keeping ourselves busy, and trying to help Colin out with the "one man renovation" here and there - but now its time to get some help in as the brick is ready to come down!!

This upcoming week is my "good week", so we will hopefully pack some fun in - I'm finding that I'm not bouncing back quite as quickly as before.

This is the time of summer that our family has usually taken some kind of road trip for a few weeks - typically ending up in PEI to visit the Moffatts - We are all going to miss this for 2010 - but next year might have to be something very special - Hmmmmmm - I'll attach a few pics from last summer...